Must-Have Photos to Have Taken on Your Wedding Day

On the day of your wedding, you are likely to experience wave-after-wave of positive emotions; the focus is almost solely on you and your partner, and there is a lot going on. It is for this reason that it is important to arrange the booking of a photographer that can help you to capture the most memorable moments. This applies not only to the spontaneous images, but also staged pictures. If you would like to educate yourself on some of the must-have photos to get on the big day, allow the experts here at Pink Elephant Photography to explain a little more.

Generations Photo

A wedding is a time to celebrate the union between two families; however, it is also a fantastic opportunity to reflect upon the generations that have come before you. Whilst it is unfortunate that not everyone has the chance to do this, if your parents and grandparents are still with you a generational photo is a picture which is guaranteed to bring tears to your eyes. Even a simple shot of three hands with three styles of ring can be an excellent memento, and captures an extremely heartwarming and special moment.

Preparation Photo

As anyone that has already been married can testify to, there is a lot of hard work and preparation that goes into a classy and well-organised wedding. However, this does not stop on the day - there is still the matter of the happy couple getting into the respective outfits, and making sure that everything is perfect. A wedding photo depicting this preparation stage is a rather intimate and honest look at each of the individuals in question. It also presents you a chance to meet your chosen photographer, and experiment with some shots.

Bridesmaid and Groomsmen Photo

During the build-up to the wedding, both the bride and groom-to-be will have big decisions to make; namely, deciding who will make up their bridesmaids and groomsmen respectively, These are often friends that have been by their side for many years, or siblings that have been there since day one. This is a photo which can capture the relationships that you have with those that are closest to you. It is important to remember that wedding photography does not necessarily have to focus on the couple-in question. There are countless other people that are important in your life, and it is certainly not wrong to want to include them.

Newlywed Photo

Undoubtedly the most important picture to be taken on any wedding day is the one consisting solely of the couple, when they have officially tied the knot. Leaving the venue as partners for life is a memory which you will want to be immortalised in pictorial form, so that you can look back on it for years to come. This is a special day which focuses on the two of you, and as such it is imperative to have a photo that commemorates your union.

Why Choose Pink Elephant Photography?

If you are someone that has recently become engaged, and would like to source a firm which can provide you with wedding photography in Cheltenham, you will be thrilled to hear that your search has come to an end. In Pink Elephant Photography, you have a firm which has more than seven years worth of experience in this field. Although we have garnered much attention for photographing weddings, this is not our sole speciality - we are also more than happy to do family shoots. For more information in regards to what our services entail, we ask that you use the instructions on our website’s contact page to get in touch - we look forward to hearing from you.